Stefanie Amiruzzaman

Lecturer in the Council of the Humanities and Program in Linguistics


1-S-4 Green Hall


Stefanie Amiruzzaman, Ph.D. is a Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics at Princeton University. She teaches American Sign Language (ASL) courses. She holds a Ph.D. in Evaluation and Measurement, an M.Ed. in Deaf Education, and a B.A. in American Sign Language, all from Kent State University (KSU), Ohio. Previously, she served as an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for ASL/Deaf Studies at West Chester University (WCU), Pennsylvania. Her previous experience of teaching several undergraduate levels of ASL, as well as Deaf Culture courses at the University of Akron (UA) and KSU, both in Ohio. Also, she taught both undergraduate and graduate level ASL courses at Ball State University (BSU), Indiana.

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