Indigenous Literature and Perspectives on Reindeer, Art and Politics in the High North
Laura A. Janda The Artic University of Norway
February 26, 2018 · 12:00 pm—1:30 pm · 144 Louis A. Simpson International Building
Program in Translation
While seeking linguistics examples to gain insight into the North Sámi language, I became so captivated by the storytelling of Máret Ánne Sara, that I decided to translate her novel In Between Worlds into English. Little did I know that I would be propelled into the midst of a human rights crisis for the author and her people, the indigenous Sámi and contemporary elements in a tale of invasive colonization and environmental devastation, issues that have made the author’s brother the subject of a landmark lawsuit against the Norwegian state. I will detail this adventure in translation, sharing both challenges and surprises.