The Program in Linguistics is excited to announce an expansion of our American Sign Language (ASL) offerings. Over the coming two years, we will introduce four new ASL language courses, ASL 101, 102, 105, and 107. This involves a significant restructuring of our current offerings so that this new 100-level sequence can be taken to satisfy the university’s language requirement. In addition, we will be maintaining the extremely popular LIN 205 as a course that is fully independent of the language sequence, providing an overview of ASL and related topics, as well as introducing a new course on Deaf culture, to be offered for the first time in Spring 2022.
We are incredibly grateful to the Dean of the Faculty, the Office of the Dean of the College, and the Humanities Council for their support in bringing this expansion to fruition, as well as to the many undergraduate students who rallied behind it.
The Daily Princetonian published an article about the sequence. Read it here.